Growing the Whole Way

A step by step program to tap into who you really are and move forward in a meaningful way

  • Unique program based on over 15 years of counseling and a lifetime of experiential learning

  • Self paced videos and content ( $1500 value )

  • Online community for daily support and connection ( priceless )

Growing the Whole Way

A guided system to help you reach your next goal by learning to think bigger, open up and act meaningfully. This makes the journey much more efficient and easier to follow. The path is different for everyone. You fill in the blanks to make it right for you. To live The Whole Way means to access and utilize all the parts of yourself. Your body, mind and sense of purpose each play an important role in how you feel and move through your day. Focusing on your whole self helps you to problem solve and cope better with circumstances as they come up. Learning to see yourself fully also helps you realize and work with the natural resources your mind and body already have.

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Guided by

Certified Personal Coach, Licensed Holistic / Mental Health Counselor, Program Developer, Author Lauri Maynard, MA, LMHC, CPC

"It is my mission to help people wake up to who they really are. Underneath all that we think we know is a vast wealth of potential just waiting to be realized. Science is tapping into it, spiritual leaders are talking about it and the arts are expressing it. It is there for all of us. No matter who you are, or what you are going through, you have an inner wisdom that knows what you need and can point you in the right direction of finding out what to do next."
Underneath all the stresses of modern life we suppress a vast wealth of direction and potential that is waiting to be untangled. As a nation we are more tired, overworked and sicker than ever before. We know our negative patterns and what holds us back, yet we still struggle in breaking that cycle. This is where Growing The Whole Way can help. It’s my unique action focused program designed to help you utilize all that your mind, body and spirit have to offer.

Don’t waste any more energy moving in the wrong direction. It’s time to wake up to something new. It’s time to power up from the inside. It’s time to grow.

In this program you can expect to come away with:

  • A deeper understanding of where you are and what is meaningful to you

  • A map of what your experiences have taught you

  • A personalized Action Plan that supports what you really want

  • A compass to show whether you are moving toward or away from your goal

  • A Backup Plan with tips for when things don't go as planned

  • Key concepts to help navigate thinking bigger and make your changes

Course Content

Your course is taken directly from "Growing the Whole Way" written by Lauri Maynard, MA, LMHC, CPC

Course curriculum

    1. How to use this course

    2. Welcome to Growing The Whole Way

    3. Before You Begin...

    4. Resources for you

    1. Exploring Your Roots

    2. Key Concept #1- Who I Really Am is More Than I Can See

    3. Key Concept #2- Deep Down I know How to Connect With my True Self

    4. My Signal for Change

    5. Key Concept #3- I Am Not as Stuck as I Think I Am

    6. Key Concept #4- Once I Start Momentum Will Keep me Going

    7. My Roots

    8. Your Root Check List

    1. Opening Your Trunk

    2. Key Concept #5- My Past is the Only Gauge for My Progress

    3. Key Concept #6- I Am Never Really Alone

    4. My Learning Curves

    5. My Learning Curve Patterns

    6. My Profile- Part 1

    7. My Profile Part 1- Danielle's Experience

    8. My Profile Part 1- Danielle's Experience Conclusion

    9. My Profile Part 1- Jason's Experience

    10. My Profile- Part 2

    1. Owning Your Crown!

    2. Key Concept #7- My Success is in the Process Not the Goal

    3. Key Concept #8- I Am Powerful

    4. My Overall Goals

    5. My Inner Mission

    6. My Action Plan

    1. Key Concept #9- I Am Whole

    2. Key Concept #10- I Am Part of Something Bigger

    3. 3D To Do List

    4. Key Concept #11- Who I Really Am is...

    5. My Compass

    6. Bonus PDF- How to Sense What You Need

    7. My Back Up Plan

    1. Calming Your Body

    2. Calming Your Body- Tips

    3. Reenergizing Your Body

    4. Reenergizing Your Body- Tips

    5. General Mood Lifting Ideas

About this course

  • 12 X $50.00
  • 43 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content

Self Care Investment

A community course that does life with you