Author, Jewelry Designer, Coach, Reiki Master Lisa Fontanella
Lisa Fontanella loves writing and rocks. Lisa has used every opportunity to write. From stories, magazine and newspaper articles, to newsletters and promotional materials. And recently, the proud author of the award-winning children’s chapter book, Crystal’s Quest: An Adventure into the World of Gemstones and the You ROCK! Journal and Coloring Book.
A wannabe rock-hound, Lisa loves learning about rocks, their properties and feeling their energy. What better way to blend two things she loves – write a children’s book about rocks!
Lisa’s fascination with rocks has taken on many forms, much like the rocks she holds so dear. She creates hand-made concrete plaques, jewelry using gemstones, writes stories for children about the wonders of rocks, and gets so excited when she sees a type of rock she has never seen before.
Lisa is a Reiki master, holistic practitioner and certified Life Coach. Lisa lives in New England and loves being near the water whether it be the ocean, river, lake, pond, or puddle.